How to add bots in Probot Discord? What are the Probot commands? How to use Probot? You are reading the Discord bots article, which explains everything about the use of Probot.
What is Probot?
Discord is a server analysis tool/bot.
What to do with Probot Discord Bot?
You can see the number of messages written in the last 24 hours. You can see the increasing and decreasing number of members in the last 24 hours. You can also see the total number of members and the number of online members. You can see the graphical table of the member flow, the number of messages excluding bots, and those who joined or left.
All languages also work. You can update ready commands. You can add or update custom commands for moderators. For example, #ban instead of #banned.
With Automod, you can delete the messages of those who spam, those who send discord invitations, curses, flooders, spammed caps, mass mentions, emoji spammers, mute the member, or warn the member.
When the member enters the server, he can send a welcome message. With the auto-responder, you can quickly answer any questions. You can add and edit the level system within the server.
With the log page, you can update the server, ban the member, remove the ban, join and leave the member, edit the message, delete the message, use the moderator command, sound status gestures, server invites, create a role, update the role, delete a role, change nickname, create and update a channel. You can share all the recordings when deleted when channel permissions are updated when a member joins audio channels, leaves, and changes between kannas in the text channels you specify.
You can set automatic role and response roles.
You can listen to songs and music with its own music bot. And you can update the commands of all these processes.
You can also be on the leaderboard on the Probot site, create and update Profile profits. Finally, you can collect and use daily rewards.
Probot Commands
#moveme – Moves you to an audio channel.
#profile – Displays your or someone else's customizable personal global profile card.
#rank – View your own or someone else's server rank card.
#rep – Give someone a reputation point. It can only be used once every 24 hours.
#top – Displays members on the leaderboard as text or audio.
#user – Shows information about yourself or a user, such as their ID and date of joining.
#avatar – Get a user's avatar.
#server – Shows information about the server
#roles – Get a list of server roles and number of members.
#credits – Shows your or someone else's balance.
#daily – Get your daily rate.
#title – Changes your status message in the #profile command.
#setnick – Changes a member's nickname.
#ban – Bans a user.
#unban – Unbans a user.
#kick – Kicks a user from the server
#vkick – kicks a member from a voice channel
#mute – Mute a member from written channels so they can't write.
#unmute – Unmute a member.
#vmute – Mute a member on voice channels so they can't speak.
#unvmute – Unmute a member from voice channels.
#clear – Clears messages from a channel.
#move – Moves a member to a voice channel.
#role – Add/take roles from users.
#points – Server-based points that can be awarded by moderators.
#warn – Warns a member.
#removewarn – Remove warnings for server or user.
#warnings – Get list of alerts about server or user.
#lock – prevents @everyone from sending messages on a specific channel.
#unlock – Unblocks @everyone from posting on a specific channel.
#temp – Temporary channels.
#reset – Reset text/sound/invite xp points for all members.
#color – Change color on server.
#colors – Lists all available colors.
#setcolor – Change the color of the role with hex codes.
#short – Shortens a URL.
#roll – roll the dice.
#play – Add a song to the queue and play it.
#search – Searches to play results.
#queue – Display the order of the current tracks in the playlist.
#stop – Stops the current song and clears the entire music queue.
#vol – Changes/shows the current volume level.
#pause – Pauses the currently playing track.
#np – Shows which song the bot is currently playing.
#skip – Skip the current song.
#repeat – Turns repeat mode on/off.
#seek – Searches for a specific point in the current track.
#24/7 – Turns 24/7 mode on/off; this ensures that the bot does not leave the audio channel until you stop it.
#vip – Displays information about your premium bot.
Probot invite (Alternative Link 1)
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