Best Discord Moderation Bots
If you have a Discord server and you have a lot of members on that server, it becomes incredibly difficult to manage after a while.
People can flood, share spam or swear. Checking them is really tiring. Even if you recruit people to the moderation team, they can sometimes be toxic and abuse their positions. Yes, I have experienced such a thing. Had to delete my server as a result of really toxic moderators. So what's the solution? The solution is a moderation bot. It does what you say and does not cause any problems. :)
Best Discord Moderation Bots
Dyno has many features like Mee6. It can do almost all the features in Mee6. Spam, private messages, and others. The most important feature of the dyno is that under some conditions it can lock the writing channels.
It has no distinctive feature. It is the standard Discord moderation bot. Maybe a difference can be made by saying that all the features are available. Of course, that doesn't mean it's a bad bot. Like a red apple or a green apple. After all, they are both apples.
The Arcane bot is a full-featured Discord moderation bot.
You can use any bot you want. Let me give you some advice. If you do not want to use premium features, you can expand these features by adding an alternative bot.
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